
How to enable students to see available Classes

How to enable students to see available Classes

So your class schedule has been created and you have students ready to log into class but there’s just one problem. Every time a student tries to log in at your kiosk they don’t see any available classes. What’s going on? In this article we’ll cover what is necessary for a student to see a class.

Every student in your system has a status. Typically your students may be set to Active, Inactive, or maybe even Waiver. Whether or not classes show up for a student depends on their status and possibly their assigned program.

If a student has the status of “Waiver” they will show up as one of your Waiver students and are able to log in for any of your classes. This is set this way because when your students are on a waiver they may be trying out classes and aren’t necessarily part of a program yet.


If a student has the status of “Active” they then can log into classes that are assigned to any programs that the student belongs to. For example if you have several kids classes that are tied to the Kids Program then any active students who wish to log into those classes must also be part of the Kids Program.

Here we can see the programs that classes are tied to:

If a student has the status Active they will need to be assigned to at least one program:

When this student goes to log in at the KIOSK they are able to see classes tied to the programs they are a part of:


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